Motor Vehicle

The Bio21 Institute has a motor vehicle which can be booked for business or official use by Bio21 Institute University employees and students. Bookings are to be made via the Bio21 Institute's Booking system at

Collecting & returning the vehicle

The vehicle log book, keys and access cards for the underground carpark gate can be collected from Robert Piccoli at the University of Melbourne Specialist Store at Bio21, Ph: 9035 9940 and email: rpiccoli [at]

Please note that the log book must be completed with each use and the vehicle must be refueled and clean, on return. It can be left in any vacant bay in the underground carpark, but must not be left in one set aside for disabled parking.

Use outside business hours

Under certain circumstances, the Institute vehicle can be used outside business hours. Requests will need to be discussed in advance with the Institute's Scientific Research Manager (through the SRM's Personal Assistant).

Authorised User Authority and Undertaking

All drivers must have lodged a signed Authorised User Authority and Undertaking and a photocopy of their current Victorian Driver's Licence with the Institute's EHS Manager, prior to using the vehicle.

Responsible vehicle use

It is the responsibility of all drivers to drive the vehicle in a responsible manner. Careless driving, or failure to abide by traffic laws and conditions, will disqualify a person from future use of the vehicle. Under no circumstances will the University pay parking or traffic infringements.

Accident reporting

All accidents or damage to the vehicle, no matter how minor, must be reported immediately to the Institute's EHS Manager with complete details as outlined in the transport policy document. For more information refer to the Travel & Transport section of the University's Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual.