Building Access
The four entrances into the Bio21 Institute are from:
- Flemington Road - Main entrance (west-end of the south building)
- Courtyard between the David Penington Building (102) and the Business Incubator building (404)
- Western precinct carpark
- West side of David Pennington Building, on the mezzanine level of the building.
Doors to the main entrance are open from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (except University holidays and weekends). Access via other entrances is via access card (see Access cards and keys).
Pedestrians are not permitted to use the basement carpark ramp to enter or leave the Institute. Where Institute members are found to be using the vehicle ramp for pedestrian access, their swipe card access will be removed.
Access throughout laboratory and work areas in the Institute is by access card (see Access cards and keys). Please ensure you have your access card with you at all times.
Building access (after hours)
After hours access to the building can be gained at all entrances by access card reader. If you are working outside normal hours, 8.00am to 5.00pm, YOU MUST register your details in the Bio21 After Hours Register, so that you can be located in case of an emergency.
Disabled facilities and access
All the facilities within the Bio21 Institute have been designed to ensure people with disabilities are catered for. This includes reserved car parking on the Western Precinct (enter by Park Drive) and shower and toilet facilities on each level. If you have special needs, please discuss these with the Institute's EHS Manager.
In the event a wheelchair is required, please contact the Institute's EHS Manager or Security.
External visitors are the responsibility of their Institute hosts and must register at the Institute's Reception. A Visitor's pass will be provided which must be worn at all times and returned when leaving the building. The receptionist will call you to come and meet your visitor. Visitors are not able to access laboratories and office areas without an access card and therefore need to be escorted by their host. Access cards may be issued to visitors on a case by case basis (Request Visitor Access Here).
Please note:
- Visitors belongings can not be left at Reception. All items should accompany visitors to their host's office.
- Hosts must ensure visitors sign out, return their visitor's pass and vacate the premises at the conclusion of the visit.
- It is the host's responsibility to ensure that after-hours visitors also Sign In and Sign Out of the Bio21 After Hours Work Register
To maintain security of members and the building, please ensure that no one follows you into the building or a specific area who otherwise does not have access or is authorised to enter the building or area.