The Melbourne Protein Characterisation (MPC) Platform offers a suite of state-of-the-art instruments for the biophysical characterisation of proteins and other macromolecules, including their structure and interactions.
It currently comprises four facilities:
- Protein and Peptide Production,
- Protein Interactions, and
- X-ray Diffraction
- Bio21-WEHI Crystallisation.
The platform also hosts the ACRF Facility for Innovative Cancer Drug Discovery, and its equipment play key roles in the the structure-based drug design workflow, including quality control assesment of proteins, ligand screening and elucidation of binding mechanisms.
The platform is open to all academic and industry users, with training provided and fee-for-service options. Our users have come from a range of University of Melbourne departments and faculties, institutes across the Parkville research precinct, as well as other universities around Australia and New Zealand. We also have ongoing collaborations with a number of biopharmaceutical companies.
We also work closely with other platform technologies at Bio21 Institute. The platforms are:
- Ian Holmes Imaging Centre
- Melbourne Magnetic Resonance
- Melbourne Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
- Metabolomics Australia
- Systems and Computational Biology
A wide variety of research infrastructure at the University of Melbourne can be found at this link.